Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My First Bride....

Last August, I was able to get a booking from my very first bride. I was super excited and happy at the same time for my good friend Aura.

I have always been a fan of thick brows and you may notice this through all of my works. Thick brows not only give your face a good frame, but also make you look younger. Gone are the days for 'one-liner  thin' brows guys. If you take a keen look on the magazines right now, thick and full browse are really in. 

Aura's brows were a bit of a challenge again for me coz they're super thin but yet, the strands are long. i have to fill in the gaps then. I'm happy that she liked her makeup =)


Before and After (Airbrush MakeUp)


I love the lighting here...

And of course, our group shot....

Thank you Japoi for the lovely photos! You are the best!

CONGRATULATIONS Mr. and Mrs. Gregorio!
